DCF Ecuador activities for 2020
· Cooperation with the Ecuadorian Government
The collaboration with the government will continue and focus on the development of a new program that offers support to young people to become self-sufficient and independent. Besides, our team, as a member of Red Convivencia, will support MIES (Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion) to revise the legal framework and the technical instruments of the current Institutional Care program, adapting it to the standards of the Guidelines of the United Nations.
· Alternative care programs: Operationally we will continue both our family support and young people on the move programs
Budget 350,000 USD (84.000,00 USD of DCF NL).
DCF Nepal activities in 2020
· Support of the families of 100 children, so they can go to school.
· Empowering parents through:
o Workshops on health and social welfare, counselling services to 30 families
o Vocational training: 35 participants in 2020
o Savings schemes in order to set up small businesses: 25 participants
· Community activity: further with the development of the constructing a social network for the people in Joparti. Fundccin is working more and more together with local organizations.
· Local fundraising: Like in 2019 in 2020 FUNCCIN will continue to work directly together with other local organizations.
Budget 18.000,00 EURO of which 2.797,00 euro has been financed by Wilde Ganzen (especially for the school going children in Joparti).