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DCF Activities June 2023 - Special edition

Foto van schrijver: BarbaraBarbara

Dear All,

Today in this special edition we want to inspire you and make you part of a special community project that will start soon. Ecuador is facing enormous challenges: prison riots, expanding drug cartels and high levels of domestic violence.In Ecuador: 38% of all children face extreme violence at home. That's 2.2 million children.

Together with the population in Pifo, a town near the capital Quito, we will be working together for the next 3 years to make the living environment of children and their families safer. This is only possible if we take care of each other.Our work is based on bringing people together because where there are people,there are endless possibilities. Together with the children, their families and their community, we can create the peace and tranquility that all children and their parents need.

What's the plan? There will be a community house in the centre of Pifo, where people are welcome to come by for a good conversation, a cup of coffee or a simple meal! From there we will work together through the economic empowerment of fathers and mothers so that they can financially care for their children, psycho-social guidance, discussion groups, cooperation with local organizations such as churches, schools and the local government network, (police, children's courts,etc.) to prevent violence, but also to ensure that the necessary response mechanisms are in place.

In order to implement this, our fundraising target is a total of USD 90,000. Wilde Ganzen and Cape Capital from Switzerland have both donated the fantastic amount of USD 30,000. We are very grateful to them for that. We are therefore still missing USD 30,000, which is needed to maintain the centre, pay the staff and economically empower the families. Do you want to participate and directly change the lives of children? Then join us! We will be actively updating you for the next three years with direct stories from the children, families and community!


Cordial greetings, Alex, Barbara, Nicoline and Helma - Daniëlle Children's Fund

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How to support the work of DCF?

Do you want to give colour and light to this special community project, then feel free to (or continue to) support our work. Thank you very much! With your contribution you help us enormously to make this important work possible.

You can help us with a payment via:

IBAN: NL23ABNA0621779652

Daniëlle Children’s Fund




© 2018 by Change+

Daniëlle Children's Fund - DCF is a Dutch foundation, registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam under number 24328915; and recognized by the Dutch tax authorities under number 8120.75.365 as an "ANBI" which means that donations are tax deductible. 
The DCF Board consists completely of volunteers. In our Child 'N Family centers in Ecuador and Nepal the local professional teams guide children in need and their families.

Daniëlle Children’s Fund

Goudenregenstraat 6
2201 NL Noordwijk
The Netherlands

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