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DCF Activities March 2020

Foto van schrijver: BarbaraBarbara

Bijgewerkt op: 13 apr 2020

Dear DCF friends, thank you for being with us once again…

In the last newsletter we wrote about the worrying political situation in Ecuador, made up of many strikes and high levels of violence, now we are facing a new challenge worldwide: the Coronavirus. Suddenly, it seems as if the world has stopped turning, due to a virus that has captivated us all. We are all on the same boat now, making us all vulnerable, some more than others.

In Ecuador, the measures taken by the government are far-reaching. All ministries, except for the ministry of health, safety and risks, are closed. Studying and working can only be done from home. It is forbidden to be on the streets from 2 pm to 5am. During the day, the only form of mobilization that is allowed is that involving the purchase of medicine and food. There are no longer any flights available. Hence, the country is shut down.

The situation is alarming since not everyone has a home to stay at and many people live on a day-to-day basis, meaning that they depend on the money that they earn on the streets during the day, to buy food for their families at night. A harrowing reality, the streets are empty, there is no one to sell anything to. Our team is trying to keep in touch with the families that take part in our Family Support Program. An intervention plan has been created and it is being implemented

It remains for us to wish everyone the best in this new and unlikely reality. We wish you health and above all, blessings.

Kind greeting,

Alex, Barbara, Helma and Nicoline - Board of Daniëlle Children's Fund Netherlands


ECUADOR In Ecuador, there is currently a reform of the children's law. This was created in 2003 and has shortcomings. As a foundation, we were requested by the commission to cooperate in reviewing the reform, particularly in the field of child protection measures. This process is in full swing. Moreover, one of our colleagues was able to address parliament with regard to the establishment of a permanent committee for children's rights in Ecuador.

Unaccompanied immigrant minors

Despite the Coronavirus and the fact that the government no longer issues visas to the Venezuelan population, the flow of refugees steadily continues. Together with UNICEF in Quito, we have opened a new Casa de Paso, where young people can stay a few days, while we draw up a diagnosis/guidance plan. We have found a nice place, in a quiet neighbourhood bordering Quito. This was not easy. We encountered a lot of discrimination: landlords were unwilling to receive young people from Venezuela. The situation is tense; the Venezuelan people are often accused of “stealing work” and crime. However, the team did not give up and after looking for a long time, they succeeded. The house is now fully furnished and there are already people living there.

Together with the local government and UNICEF, we have started a process that encourages the transferring of knowledge in Tulcan (a city close to the Colombian border). Hence, the municipality has started its own Casa de Paso. In the coming months, we will guide their new team.

There have been great developments in our project to support young people towards self-sufficiency. One of them finished his studies. He now has a title as a baker and hairdresser. He wishes to continue studying further into the future. Another boy hopes to finish middle school very soon, which was not possible in Venezuela. In the same project, a young refugee couple had a baby. During her pregnancy, the young mother travelled from Venezuela to Ecuador by foot, together with her boyfriend, their one and a half-year-old son. How special and beautiful that a healthy child has come into the world.

Since December, we have a new colleague: Poema Carrion. Poema is a psychologist and previously worked as a director of child protection at the ministry. In the time to come, she will be focusing on revising the guidelines for institutional care and writing handbooks. Therefore, she continues to work closely with the Ministry.


In Nepal, the situation regarding the Coronavirus is worrying. Chooda wrote to us that the supply of gas and food are experiencing difficulties. Hence, school exams have been accelerated. There is a lot of uncertainty now.

Fortunately, there is also good news! Our collaboration with Wilde Ganzen has produced fruitful results. Wilde Ganzen is a Dutch organization that provides financial support to small private projects, focused on tackling poverty, since 1957. Through your support and with the additional support of Wilde Ganzen, school uniforms and materials can be purchased. It is fantastic that in April when they hope to start the new school year, children can attend school. We are very grateful to you and Wilde Ganzen!!!


Finally, we thank you for your faithful commitment in whatever form this may come. Together we can make the world a better place, every small gesture creates change!!

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© 2018 by Change+

Daniëlle Children's Fund - DCF is a Dutch foundation, registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam under number 24328915; and recognized by the Dutch tax authorities under number 8120.75.365 as an "ANBI" which means that donations are tax deductible. 
The DCF Board consists completely of volunteers. In our Child 'N Family centers in Ecuador and Nepal the local professional teams guide children in need and their families.

Daniëlle Children’s Fund

Goudenregenstraat 6
2201 NL Noordwijk
The Netherlands

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