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DCF Activities November 2023

Foto van schrijver: BarbaraBarbara

Dear DCF friends,

As always, we are very happy to have you back!

In this newsletter you will hear more about our community project in Pifo focused on preventing violence against children. We will continue to keep you regularly informed about all the “ins and outs” of the project. The preparation phase is coming to an end and we will fully start with the implementation of the project in  January, together with the community.

In recent months there have been many meetings and conversations with children, young people, elderly people, families, police officers, teachers, people from the government, representatives of the local church and many more. We have all worked hard in many different ways and thought about how we can make the community in Pifo work together to prevent violence against children. There are many possibilities, there is a lot of enthusiasm and, above all, a lot of hope. In this newsletter we will see how art and culture bring creative options in the face of chaos and uncertainty. We also take a look at the Community Cinema project in Pifo, a local initiative that has recently emerged.

We will also tell you more about Wilde Ganzen's involvement, but first we will show you the first video, from a series of three. In the short videos made by Cape Capital, our sponsor from Switzerland, someone talks about his/her life, dreams and experiences with DCF.

We hope you enjoy!

Families tell

Thanks to the generous collaboration with Cape Capital for many years , a series of three videos have been developed in recent months about the children, young people and families who cross our path. Watch Paola's story in this video:


A close-knit community... more possibilities together

On Saturday afternoon, October 28, neighborhood leaders and community members met in Pifo to finalize the 2024 plan. Those present spoke with enthusiasm and passion about the most feasible proposals for the coming period. In the shadow of the sunset and after almost three hours of meetings, new initiatives emerged that form the seeds for our joint future activities. The murmur of voices held the promise of a better future for the children of Pifo.

Mushuk Maki

Mushuk Maki, the handicraft centre has been weaving  together with dozens of hands for more than six years now. Mushuk Maki means "new hands". Through the handicrafts, a group of indigenous artists try to keep their culture alive within the community. There is a special project for children and young people to learn how to engrave and paint. They also learn traditional dances.

The center plays an important role in generating income for the families involved. For example, medicinal plants, paintings, embroidery, typical clothing, etc. are sold there. The new community project looks at how more families can become part of this.

Youth and Graffiti

On Saturday, November 18, the sun peaked shyly over the mountains and spread its golden light over the Guambi area. A group of young people gathered near the bike path, brushes in hand. A blank canvas, a wall that seemed to whisper stories and desires, waited patiently for their transformation. Below is the result!

Pifo: Light, Camera, Action

On Saturday, November 18, when it was already getting dark in Pifo, a unique event opened its doors in the Casa Social de Malauco. The noise of the neighbors mixed with the curiosity of children. An air of anticipation filled the air. While adults waited with a smile for the performance to start, the children ran around for a while. The lights went out. And in that moment the magic came to life. The wonderful laughter of children who forgot everything for a moment and were absorbed in the plot of the film "Soul". Daniëlle Children's Fund, together with the local government and the local neighborhood association, successfully opened this community cinema. In addition to moments of bonding and fun, this location will be a fun, safe place where we can come together and think about issues that affect the children and the community.

Wilde Ganzen

Wilde Ganzen will support the community project for the next three years! This is fantastic news. That is why they shared our project on television on November 26. The broadcast lasts a few minutes and can be viewed via the following link: 

If you would like to be part of the community project and ensure that children in Ecuador can grow up without violence, please support us by transferring money to the Daniëlle Children's Fund account. You will find the account details at the bottom of this newsletter.

Thank you

As always, we would like to thank you very much for your support in any way. If you would like to participate and be part of our Community Project for next year, please transfer to our account number.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Alex, Nicoline, Barbara & the DCF team from Ecuador

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How to support the work of DCF?

With your contribution, you help us enormously to make this important work possible and continue. You can help us with payment via:

You can help us with a payment via:

IBAN: NL23ABNA0621779652

Daniëlle Children’s Fund




© 2018 by Change+

Daniëlle Children's Fund - DCF is a Dutch foundation, registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam under number 24328915; and recognized by the Dutch tax authorities under number 8120.75.365 as an "ANBI" which means that donations are tax deductible. 
The DCF Board consists completely of volunteers. In our Child 'N Family centers in Ecuador and Nepal the local professional teams guide children in need and their families.

Daniëlle Children’s Fund

Goudenregenstraat 6
2201 NL Noordwijk
The Netherlands

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